Friday, January 11, 2008

WEEK 3 (12/31-1/4)

Week three actually began on Wednesday, since my supervisor was nice enough to give me off New Years Eve and New Years Day. I suppose he may have felt bad that I came in on Christmas Eve for a half-day; which I volunteered for anyways, but it all worked out nicely.

Unfortunately, because I am the only present intern, I was unable to participate in the ‘Ambush Makeover’ segment this week. I had to remain in the newsroom to answer phones, receive mail or package deliveries, and set up for the day. I was a little upset; but when I saw how upset the producer was that she would be without my assistance this week, I felt a lot better. I guess I’m not doing too bad of a job, after all.

This week was fairly uneventful, and shorter as I’ve mentioned. I learned a couple new things, and I completed a ton of dubs for various people. Friday was the most hectic day, with phones ringing off the hook. Viewers called in with tons of questions and comments about the show, which they must have been too busy to act on during the holidays.

I can also say, for the first time in my life, that I will be glad to see the Rockefeller Center tree come down next week. After a long days work, being unable to move to the subway quickly due to immense crowding of tourists - is in no way enjoyable.

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